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Materials List

The following is a list of materials we're using to build the simulator. Also listed are the items cost and a brief description/explanation.

Atari 2600 VCS Unit - "Heavy Sixer" model: The 2600 came in many styles. I chose this one (the earliest version of the unit) for one simple reason. It has all six control panel switches situated along the front. These switches are all needed for the simulator to run properly. This design allows the kids easy access to them. Later 2600 models would move some of the switches to the back of the unit and that would be too hard to reach or even see in the darkened simulator. This comes from my personal collection of classic consoles.

Radio Shack Archer Joystick: Purchased at a Goodwill store for $1.00. This stick is done in a "pilot style" and grips the hand comfortably. It has thumb/trigger style buttons and reacts to whichever the pilot chooses to use. It also uses microswitches internally, giving the user a satisfying "click" feedback. This really lets you know when you've moved.

"Captain Style" padded chair: Simple and comfortable. Kitten not included.

19" Zenith Space Command Television: Again, another thrift store purchase. I wanted to have a large screen but didn't want to shell out big $$$ for a high end monitor. This works just fine and was what the Atari 2600 was intended to be used with in the first place.

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